Creamy Kimchi Pasta

Creamy Kimchi Pasta feature image
Published on Wed Mar 01 2023

There’s always leftover uncooked pasta in my house and I was trying to find a way to use it where it wouldn’t be so bad. Then I remembered a simple pasta dish called, Aglio de Olio. The dish was few basic ingredients that everyone has in their household: pasta, olive oil, red pepper flakes, garlic and parmesan cheese. I thought why not create a dish that incorporates all the same idea as this dish by really only just replacing red pepper flakes with kimchi and taming the harshness of the kimchi with a bit of heavy cream. In all the dish turned out amazing and better than I was expecting.

To start, I prepped my pasta by getting a pot of water to a boil. Next I sliced a clove of garlic, slice a quarter of an onion, and chopped down a quarter cup of kimchi down to smaller pieces and set that aside. Next I add my pasta (don’t forget to salt the water.). In a medium pan, with a tablespoon of olive oil, add in your garlic and onions. Once the onions start to soften and get translucent, add the kimchi. Cook that up for a minute while tossing it around. Next you will want to add in a quarter cup of heavy cream and a dash of salt and mix that around to get all the flavors incorporated. What I also like to do instead of salt is add about a tablespoon of miso paste and make sure that paste is mixed in. At this point the pasta should be almost done. You will want to add all the pasta into your pan from the pot as it will pick up extra pasta water that will do great in making the sauce thicker. Add a few gratings of parmesan cheese and black pepper, give it a mix and you are done.


  • 2 fluid ounce, Heavy Cream
  • 0.50 container (16 oz ea.), Pasta
  • 2 clove , Garlic
  • 0.25 medium, Onion
  • 100 g, Kimchi
  • 0.50 tbsp, Olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp, Miso Paste


  • A protein source