I finally can develop on a Mac. Buying the 2023 Macbook Pro.

I finally can develop on a Mac. Buying the 2023 Macbook Pro. feature image
Published on Fri Mar 03 2023

Learning to code can be a challenging journey, especially if you have specific goals in mind like building iOS applications. This was the case for me in 2011, a junior in high school, when I started my coding journey, and one of the first things I wanted to do was to build iOS applications. However, I quickly realized that I needed a Mac to develop those applications, and as a Windows user at the time, this was a significant obstacle.

Fortunately, as time went by, new technologies emerged, and it became possible to develop iOS applications without needing a Mac. Tools like Electron, Capacitor, React Native, along with virtual machines, made it possible for Windows users to develop iOS applications. However, back in 2011, these technologies weren’t available, and virtual machines were not as powerful as they are today. This meant that I had to find another way to code in OSX, which led me to a new project: building a Hackintosh.

Building a Hackintosh was a complex and challenging experience. Funny enough I even have my build video on my YouTube Channel.

I spent hours going through forums, checking for compatible parts, and figuring out how to install the right firmware and BIOS settings. Eventually, I was able to build a working Hackintosh, but my joy was short-lived. Just a month after building it, a new version of OSX was released, causing my current install to break. This was a significant setback, and it made me lose interest in coding for a while.

Despite this setback, I didn’t give up on my dream of coding on a Mac. In 2018, I later bought a refurbished 2010 Macbook Air, hoping that this would be the solution to my problem. Unfortunately, the previous owner had not removed the laptop from their Apple account, and my attempts to do a clean install bricked the device, leaving me with an unusable laptop.

Years went by, and I eventually became a web developer, working with various web technologies. However, I always felt that there was something missing in my development environment. After much research and contemplation, I decided that it was time to invest in a Macbook Pro. I spent months researching what I needed to do to make the most out of my new device, from productivity applications to keeping my workflow organized.

Finally, in January 2023, Apple launched a new version of the Macbook Pro, and I knew that it was the perfect time to make my move. On February 25th, 2023, I bought my first Macbook Pro, and I have been loving it ever since. The development environment is fantastic, and it has made my work as a web developer so much more enjoyable.

If you are interested in checking out my Mac development environment, I have a repository that you can visit. It contains a list of all the commands and settings that I use to make the most out of my Macbook Pro. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced coder, I hope that my story inspires you to keep pursuing your coding dreams, no matter how challenging they may seem. With the right tools and persistence, anything is possible.