Updating My Blogs View Counter

Updating My Blogs View Counter feature image
Published on Mon Apr 03 2023

I writing up my blog post yesterday for my first day of #100DaysofCode and I discovered a bug. My blog post updatedAt field was getting updated when a page view was made. The way I set it up was, I created a view field for each blog post and when someone reached that page on my site, I made a PUT request to Strapi to update the field in the post. This was not something I wanted since I want to validate the information on each post as it ages.

There were many ways I could have gone about this and really I should have done it using the Postgres database I have already set up for Strapi to use and made a direct relationship to the post table. But I thought why not try something I haven’t done in a minute and used Firebase. The other reasons that I chose Firebase is that it separated the dedicated database for Strapi with something custom I wanted to do and I wasn’t really happy with Strapi and I’m currently in the market for another CMS (might even build my very own from scratch 😉).

So I went a head an whipped up a new firebase project. Made a firebase.s file in the lib directory and added the firebase configuration that was provided.

import { getDatabase } from "firebase/database";
const firebaseConfig = {
export const app = initializeAp(firebaseConfig);
export const database = getDatabase(app);

Then I created a views.js file in the same directory and created an exportable get and update function.

import { ref, get, set } from "firebase/database";
import { database } from "./firebase";

export async function getViews(type, slug) {
	const dbRef = ref(database, `views/${type}/${slug}`);
	const snapshot = await get(dbRef);
	return snapshot.val();
export async function updateView(type, slug) {
	const dbRef = ref(database, `views/${type}/${slug}`);
	const snapshot = await get(dbRef);
	if (snapshot.exists()) {
		await set(dbRef, snapshot.val() + 1);
	} else {
		await set(dbRef, 1);
	return snapshot.val() + 1;

Lastly to have everything work, I would import the update function for the blog page and save the result into variable as it should return the value of the view count after it’s been updated.

const views = await updateView("notes", slug);