
SupaCommerce feature image

In my pursuit of improving my current employer’s website, I dedicated extensive time to finding the ideal tech stack that could effectively handle all the essential functions required. After weeks of thorough research, I discovered a powerful combination: Next.js for the application’s backbone, Supabase as a comprehensive solution encompassing database management, storage for customer downloads, authentication, RLS, web hooks, and an array of other remarkable features. To further elevate the design and theming aspects, I relied on TailwindCSS and DaisyUI. Lastly, for seamless payment processing, I incorporated Stripe. While this tech stack may appear straightforward, it was the introduction of Supabase, particularly their exceptional storage buckets, that proved to be the pivotal component. I deliberately avoided utilizing any AWS services for this project.

The project includes an ecommerce website with Stripe integration, a seamless checkout process, live search functionality, blog and article sections, product downloads with version control, user roles for admin and customers, dynamic product specification search, and numerous other features.

Unfortunately, my proposal to adopt this stack was met with rejection from my employer, which left me disheartened and drained of the energy I had invested in the project. Despite being close to completion, I no longer possess the motivation to continue working on it. However, if there is someone interested in taking over and seeing this project through, I would be delighted to collaborate once again. I have other projects that align more closely with my passions and would prefer to dedicate my time and efforts to them. Nonetheless, I believe that this project holds significance and would greatly enhance my portfolio, showcasing my skills and dedication.
